Rope Skills Clinic for skiers

The Shelf


Location - Revelstoke

This clinic will be run outside within a few minutes drive of Revelstoke.

Prerequisites - Rope Skills Clinic

Basic knots and hitches

What we'll do...

This clinic will be an opportunity to ask questions about various rope techniques that may be used when skiing and then practice them. This includes learning how to use specific equipment you may have questions about. There is no set agenda, it will be dependant on the questions you bring with you.


How should I attach to the rope for glacier travel?

What can I use a Rad line for?

How can I set up a 6:1 pulley system?

How far apart should I space out on the rope for glacier travel?

What should I bring in my crevasse rescue kit?

Guides/Instructors - Rope Skills Clinic

Alex GearyMadeleine Martin-Preney

Alex Geary and Madeleine Martin-Preney

When is the Rope Skills Clinic?

October 19th

10am - 1pm

Price: Free

Max 12 participants - FULL

Please make sure you have read through the booking conditions prior to completing the Registration Form below. The clinic is already full, but you can still fill out the Registration Form below to be added to the waitlist.

7 summits snacks

Equipment list - Rope Skills Clinic

  • Helmet
  • Harness
  • 3 x locking carabiners
  • 4 x non-locking carabiners
  • 5m length of accessory cord
  • personal prussik
  • Any other equipment you want to learn about such as a Micro/Nano-Traxion
  • Warm and waterproof clothing for standing around outside
  • Old short rope (optional)
  • Umbrella (optional)
Rope kit