What is dry tooling and why do you need to learn it?

Dry tooling is climbing rock with crampons and axes. Sometimes rock is too cold or slippery to climb with rock shoes and hands, or it is interspersed with ice, making dry tooling the easiest and most efficient way to climb it. If you want to climb big mountaineering or ice routes, these skills often come in handy. Experience dry tooling can give you the confidence to get through sections efficiently that may be in difficult condition, sometimes even when ski mountaineering. The photo below shows such an occassion on a section that was warm and dry the week prior.

dry tooling aoraki mixed climbing
Dry tooling on Aoraki, NZ


The Big Eddy Crag in Revelstoke was developed specifically for dry tooling, shown in the photo below.

big eddy crag


  • Crag orientation and safety
  • How to minimise the chances of hurting yourself with all the sharp things
  • When and how to holster tools
  • Footwork
    • edging
    • front pointing
    • smearing
  • Axe techniques
    • hooking
    • torquing
    • stein pulls
    • laybacks
    • short tooling
    • matching
    • swapping

westside is da best big eddy crag dry tooling



  • Experience lead and top rope belaying
  • Able to climb 5.10 rock
  • Experience ice climbing



* October 12th 2024

*October 17th 2024

10am - 4pm

2:1 ratio

$220 + 5% GST

Please make sure you have read through the booking conditions and completed the Registration Form before making a payment.

E-transfers are my preferred method of payment, otherwise please contact me for alternate methods of payment.

dry toolingEquipment

Please bring the following equipment:

  • Helmet
  • Harness
  • Ice clippers (optional)
  • Boots
  • Crampons that fit on your boots
  • Belay device with locking carabiner
  • Second locking carabiner
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Warm clothes
  • Rain gear
  • Climbing gloves (preferably multiple very thin pairs such as mountain bike gloves)
  • Belay gloves
  • Ice tools (can be shared with a partner)